![]() For some time now I've had the visual of my life force energy being made up of 4 streams of energy that all intertwine. Not mixed together... Each stream clear in and of itself... while also in a dance with each other. Each stream having a different flavour, sense, colour and purpose. This purpose being its gifts that are stronger when they are all in flow together. Like a 4 wire electrical cable or a musical score made up of 4 different tracks. Each track being music of it's own yet when played altogether, creating a magical symphony that is greater than the sum of its parts. I love the idea that when our energy is in flow we all are dancing through life to our own unique musical track. Access to the track is dependent on if there is flow or blocks in each stream of energy. These streams of energy are our 4 core feelings; Anger, Sadness, Fear and Joy. In their pure form they have and abundance of magical gifts. The main ones being Clarity, Connection, Intuition and Magnetic Leadership however there are ALOT more. When we halt the flow of energy due to cultural stories that tell us these energies are dangerous, disruptive, weak and attention seeking we halt our access to these gifts.
Similar to when Brene Brown says that we can't simply isolate and numb one feeling without numbing them all to some extent. When the energetic flow of feeling that holds valuable information is squashed it builds up like a dam creating emotional pressure and often physical pain. And one day, when the dam get's too full for it's container, (your body) it will erupt, overflow, explode, burst out. You may have experienced what I'm talking about. You have a choice to take responsibility for your internal dams by creating space to release them safely before they spew out all over someone you love. Get in touch with us if you'd like to find out more about how you can create space for this in your life. Stacia
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You know that idea you've been sitting on for a long time now... That project you haven’t started... That conversation you keep putting off… That inner voice that's been wanting to speak up... rather than being pushed down or exploding out? You keep telling yourself that you’ll start soon… you’ll create time for the conversation… you’ll quit the job… you’ll take the course… you’ll ask for help… you'll say 'no more!'... you’ll take the action that you know you need to take. It’s all well and good to keep convincing yourself that you you’re GOING to do the thing. But unless you actually START you’re just feeding yourself false truths. And that’s not very self loving. To take action on anything you need a healthy relationship with the life-force energy that is the source of clarity, courage, vitality… and action. That energy is Anger.
When suppressed, Anger either implodes or explodes and the results can be damaging to both your inner and outer environments. Implosion can result in physical and/or mental illness while the results of explosive Anger are often disconnection and/or damage to self or other. Only when you take a different course of action do you get a different result. Reclaiming Anger means intentionally befriending and harnessing this energy and using it as fuel to get up off your seat and take the action you’ve been wanting to take. Stacia |
AuthorStacia is a co-founder of The Art of Relating. A Writer, Facilitator, Speaker and Wisdom Keeper. Archives
October 2023